Suzi Lonergan-Pilates!

Suzi Lonergan Pilates! - THE DVD

Shaping Your Body Into
The Best It Can Be

Basic and Intermediate Mat Series in one DVD

a non - aggressive, non-competitive approach to mind-body conditioning that:

* Revives youthfulness, both physically and mentally

* Increases strength and flexibility to your spine

* Increases energy and self - confidence

* Relieves stress and fatigue, replacing it with a feeling of well - being and greater stamina

* Strengthens your immune system

* Repairs injury

* Assures better, more restful sleep

* Improves posture, balance and coordination

* Creates strength without bulk

* Improves joint mobility

* Enriches your sex life



  • Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.

  • Nunc dignissim risus id metus.

  • Cras ornare tristique elit.

  • Vivamus vestibulum nulla nec ante.

  • Praesent placerat risus quis eros.

  • Integer vitae libero ac risus egestas placerat.

  • Mattis in risus.

  • Auctor elementum est.

  • Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.

  • Ut aliquam sollicitudin leo.

  • Cras iaculis ultricies nulla.

  • Praesent placerat risus quis eros.

  • Fusce pellentesque suscipit nibh.

  • Vestibulum commodo felis quis tortor.

  • Ut aliquam sollicitudin leo.

  • Cras iaculis ultricies nulla.

  • Proin quis tincidunt arcu.

  • Vivamus luctus suscipit tortor.


 Suzi Lonergan Pilates! - THE DVD

Basic and Intermediate Mat Series in one DVD

a non - aggressive, non-competitive approach to mind-body conditioning that:

* Revives youthfulness, both physically and mentally

* Increases strength and flexibility to your spine

* Increases energy and self - confidence

* Relieves stress and fatigue, replacing it with a feeling of well - being and greater stamina

* Strengthens your immune system

* Repairs injury

* Assures better, more restful sleep

* Improves posture, balance and coordination

* Creates strength without bulk

* Improves joint mobility

* Enriches your sex life

Suzi Lonergan - PILATES! consists of :

* Basic Series is 9 exercises, in just 10 minutes

* Intermediate Series is 23 exercises in just 25 minutes

With 4 different participants for:

  • Normal healthy body

  • Neck Concerns

  • Back Concerns

  • Knee Concerns
