Suzi Lonergan-Pilates!




Basic and Intermediate Mat Series


About Suzi


    During a several decades long dance career, Suzi’s interest in teaching physical fitness began while she earned her Theatre Arts degree at UCLA. Working as a trainer in local health clubs, she soon developed her own private practice, which included leading professionals in the corporate and entertainment industry. In 1994, her performing and fitness careers came together when fellow dancers recommended she enroll in a Pilates workshop led by Romana Kryzanowska, a protégé of Joseph Pilates. In this dynamic woman Suzi found her inspiration. After just one class, Suzi felt an immediate change in body and spirit. She knew she had found the tool she was looking for to fine tune her own body and well as her clients bodies. Studying under Romana, Suzi became a Certified Instructor. Since then, her clientele has expanded to include working with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and teenagers from both the American Ballet Theatre and the Los Angeles public school – teaching them all, the power of Pilates.


Suzi Lonergan - Pilates!

In just 10 minutes a day, 3 times a week, you will learn to strengthen the power center of your body, by using the power center of your mind which, in turn, will free the power center of your spirit.


Suzi Lonergan- PILATES! is about quality and efficiency, not quantity.

This program is for people of all ages and fitness exercise levels including:

    * Business Professionals/Travelers

    * Athletes/Dancers

    * Performers/Artists

    * Fitness Professionals

    * The Elderly

    * At - Home Moms

    * The Overweight or Out - of - Shape

    * Post Natal Women

    * Teenagers 

Just 10 to 25 Minutes,
3 Times A Week

About the DVD

Suzi Lonergan - PILATES! consists of:

32 mat exercises, divided into 2 sections

* 9 Basic exercises, in just 10 minutes

* 23 Intermediate exercises, in just 25 minutes

Each of the 32 exercises is demonstrated by 4 different participants for:

* Normal healthy body

* Neck Concerns

* Back Concerns

* Knee Concerns


        Suzi Lonergan - PILATES! 

   is a non - aggressive, non-competitive approach to mind-body conditioning that:

 * Revives youthfulness, both physically and mentally

* Increases strength and flexibility to your spine

* Increases energy and self - confidence

* Relieves stress and fatigue, replacing it with a feeling of well - being and greater stamina

* Strengthens your immune system

* Repairs injury

* Assures better, more restful sleep

* Improves posture, balance and coordination

* Creates strength without bulk

* Improves joint mobility

* Enriches your sex life 

Shaping Your Body Into
The Best It Can Be
Go From Tired To Energized,
From Soft To Lean,
From Out of Shape To Healthy

Reserve Your Adventure

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